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Case Study: General Pants Co

In collaboration with the team at General Pants co, we were enlisted to transform a typical streetwear shoot into an extraordinary underwater experience. The objective was to create a captivating, abstract, and eye-catching video installation to be displayed on LEDs in major capital city store windows. This case study highlights our close collaboration with General Pants co and our ability to deliver visually stunning imagery that evokes nostalgia and captures the essence of long days spent in the water and sun.

The Brief: The brief presented a unique challenge: to integrate water cinematography into a streetwear shoot and produce a video installation for General Pants' store displays. The objectives were twofold: to create visually stunning imagery and to evoke a sense of nostalgia, paying homage to Insight campaigns from the past and capturing the feeling of endless days immersed in the water and sun.

Our Approach: To meet the brief's requirements, we adopted a collaborative approach, working closely with the General Pants design team. The following steps were taken to achieve the desired outcome:

  1. Planning and Concept Development: We conducted thorough planning and brainstorming sessions with the General Pants design team to align our vision and creative direction. By understanding their brand aesthetics and desired nostalgic elements, we developed a concept that would seamlessly integrate water cinematography into the streetwear shoot.

  2. Location Scouting and Equipment Setup: The team scouted suitable underwater locations and ensured that the necessary equipment and technical setup were in place for a smooth and successful shoot. This included waterproof cameras, lighting equipment, and any additional gear required for underwater filming.

  3. Art Direction and Styling: Collaborating closely with the General Pants team, we ensured that the styling and art direction aligned with the desired nostalgic theme. This involved selecting appropriate streetwear pieces and accessories that would resonate with the target audience and create a cohesive visual narrative.

  4. Filming and Post-Production: During the shoot, our experienced water cinematography team captured captivating underwater footage, leveraging techniques to showcase the interplay of light, movement, and fabric. In post-production, we carefully edited the footage to create a visually stunning video that encapsulated the essence of the water environment and conveyed a sense of nostalgia.

Results: The collaborative effort between our water cinematography team and the General Pants design team resulted in an exceptional video installation for display in major capital city store windows. The outcomes achieved were as follows:

  1. Visually Stunning Imagery: The underwater cinematography techniques employed produced captivating imagery that caught the attention of passersby. The interplay of light, movement, and fabric created a visually mesmerizing experience that showcased General Pants' streetwear in a unique and eye-catching manner.

  2. Nostalgic Atmosphere: Through careful art direction, styling, and post-production techniques, the video installation successfully evoked a sense of nostalgia. It transported viewers back to the nostalgic memories of past Insight campaigns and the feeling of long days spent in the water and sun.

  3. Enhanced Brand Connection: The captivating video installation deepened the connection between General Pants and its audience. By creating a visually engaging and emotionally resonant experience, the installation not only showcased their streetwear but also evoked a sense of shared experiences and a connection to their brand's identity.

Conclusion: Our collaboration with the General Pants design team allowed us to successfully integrate water cinematography into a streetwear shoot, resulting in a visually stunning and nostalgic video installation. By leveraging our expertise and working closely with the client, we delivered an extraordinary experience that captivated viewers and deepened the connection between General Pants and their audience. This project exemplifies our ability to think outside the box, push creative boundaries, and deliver exceptional results in unique and challenging contexts.